Bingo Status: Time to Rest

Traffic rules in India

  • There are three traffic signals: Red-Stop only if the person ahead of you has stopped. Amber- What is that? Green- Go!
  • It is a crime to have less than three people on a two wheeler.
  • The last lane of the road is always meant for parking ( rule applies for single lane roads also).
  • One must normally drive on the left of the road. Driving on the right side is allowed as long as you use the horn.
  • The first lane is reserved for fat people on low powered scooters. They are not expected to leave the lane, no matter how much you honk.
  • You are expected to know of the “No Parking” zones, even if there are no signs to show them. Any two wheeler parked in a No Parking zone is expected to be picked up by the traffic cops in less than 5 minutes( Mine got taken away 3 times already). Four wheelers are normally spared as it is difficult to haul them into the Vehicle pound.
  • Local Buses stop in the middle of the road only. Also, speed limit restrictions are not applicable to these buses.
  • 1 stud on a fast bike+ 1 moderately good looking chick on a slow scooty=Recipe for a traffic disaster!
  • Auto drivers reserve the right to cut across at 90degrees on a busy road if they see a pedestrian sticking their hand out
  • What is the easiest way to make 10,000 rupees in one day?? Become a traffic policeman and set up shop outside a college
  • Provision 12842817452 of the constitution states that cows have the liberty to sit, sleep or crap on roads, and you cannot do anything about it.
  • There are many more rules left for me to be discovered. Watch this space for more :)


Shilpa Garg said...

Ha! ha! and so very true!

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