Bingo Status: Time to Rest

Mobile testing

this is  a mobile alert test



Scrabble rule change: WTF?

I have been a scrabble fanatic for some time now. I used to play on the internet and barely missed out on money at my college fest. Anyway..coming to the point.. The rule change.. I only read about it today morning.. It is utter bullshit! You can make words backwards they say. You can use celebrity and city names too. I don't think scrabble purist people will like this at all. The game standards are going to the dogs!

This is not the first time Mattel has screwed up lately. They banned Scrabulous( a site that allowed people to play Scrabble over the Internet) for copyright infringement. It was met with a lot of flak, but unfortunately, they came through.

The three idiots(2)

There were three friends from IIT Madras and three from Anna University, Chennai. They were stranded at the Pune Railway station and were on their way back to Chennai.

So the first part of the journey was from Pune to Bangalore by train. The Anna people bought three tickets. The IITM people bought only one ticket. When the Ticket Checker came by, the IITM people all went inside a toilet and put the ticket out. So they got away.

They all got off at Bangalore. The Anna people were a little pissed after the incident. This time, they bought only one ticket. The IITM people didn't buy any. When the Anna people went and hid inside a toilet, one of the IITM people knocked on the door. Out came the hand and the IITM people took away the ticket and headed for the opposite toilet.

They all got off at Chennai Central. The Anna guys barely managed to make it there. They were now very pissed. The last part of the journey was from Chennai Central to Guindy station by suburban rail. This time, the Anna people decided not to buy tickets at all. The IITM people bought three tickets.

Unfortunately, there are no toilets in Chennai suburban trains!

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